Looking back… Looking forward!

Three years ago today my Facebook status was ‘Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the thought that this time next week we’ll be travelling North! So excited for my baby girl tho’.

Time is a funny thing…I can’t believe it is almost three years ago since Lauren ‘left home’ to start her new adventure at university in Leeds. But at the same time it seems a lifetime ago!

A lot has happened since then I guess. I started my access course at college just after she left and am now about to start the final year in my degree. Lauren did a year in Leeds, moved to Brighton, and then Crawley (on her placement year), and has been back in Leeds for the last year. She is also about to start her final year doing her degree.

Kieron travelled to the other side of the world whilst backpacking for six months, and is now back home working, and partying, hard.

Wow, when you think back so much has changed in three years…

So I wonder what the next three will hold? Trying to think that far ahead blows my mind a bit. I’m a massive planner, and like things to be set in place, so not knowing is kind of difficult for me… but it’s also fabulously exciting!

Bring on more adventures…whatever and wherever they may be.


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